
Malacca -Cheng Hoon Teng Temple

Cheng Hoon Teng Temple / Temple of Bright clounds

Cheng Hoon Teng Temple is one of the most not able landmarks in Malacca . Set near the Hindu Temple Sri Pogyatha Vinoyagar along Jalan Hang Lekiu ( in Jonker Street ) this Chinese Temple is billed as the oldest Buddhist place of worship in the country . Built in 1646 , it is also known as the ' merciful Cloud Temple ' .

The temple is dedicated to Kuan Yin , Goddess of Mercy . A black , gold and red-robed statue of the goddess stands in the central prayer hall . Cheng Hoon Teng Temple was constructed by Chan Lak Koa , son-in law to Captain Li , Malacca's second Chinese kapitan ( a mediatory position created by the Dutch East India Company which made it possible for a noon-white to govern Malacca's diverse ethnic communities ).

History of Cheng Hoon Teng Temple

Apparently a fortune teller was consulted for advice on the location and construction of Captains Li's grave : allegedly a grave deeper than three feet would benefit Li's son-in-laws , Chan Lak Koa , while a shallower grave would bring prosperity to his son . Whether intended or not , the grave was made three-and-a-half feet deep , and Chan Lak Koa's relative success after his father-in-law's death motivated him to construct the Cheng Hoon Teng Temple as an expression of gratitude for his success .

                                                                                      Structure of Cheng Hoon Teng Temple

The main prayer hall of Cheng Hoon Teng Temple has a weighty saddled roof , domineering dark timber beams and beautiful carved woodwork . Smaller chambers devoted to ancestor worship are prominent throughout the temple : these rooms are filled with tables bearing photographs of the deceased . Check out the wads of fake money and papier-mache models of luxury items which are used as symbols of creature comforts for the dead . All building materials for the temple , and even the artisans concerned with its construction , were brought in from China .

Cheng Hoon Teng Temple is managed by the same board of trustees that serves Bukit Cina ( the ancestral burial ground to the northeast of town ) . Due to the controversy
surrounding the burial ground , you will see walls throughout the temple covered with newspaper clippings detailing Bukit Cina's struggles against the authorities .

Directly opposite Cheng Hoon Teng Temple is a traditional Chinese opera theatre ; beside the opera theatre is a newly constructed Xianglin Temple . Also known as the Fragrant Forest Temple , this shrine follows the traditional layout of Chinese Buddhist Temples .